Why Madrid?
The first stop on the Capital Filmmakers Film Festival tour will be to the Spanish Capital of Madrid. Known for its beautiful architecture and rich culture we felt that this was the perfect starting place for our travelling film festival. The festival will be happening from the 12th-13th of September 2018 in a multipurpose cinema hall, the Artistic Metropol, which is renowned for its dedication and focus on independent cinema.
Madrid, Spain’s capital city’s pull is unquestionable. Madrid is a golden metropolis, a city that is passionate and knows how to live. Madrid holds plenty of surprises, from grand architecture and appealing plazas to high-flying fountains and iconic marble statues. Skillfully decorated with world class art galleries, Madrid will make you want to visit again and again.
Fun Facts about Madrid
The sunniest and the highest
Situated at 650 meters above sea level, Madrid is the highest capital of Europe and with 250 sunny days in year, Madrid is the sunniest city of Europe.
Madrilènes Don’t Like To Stay Home At Night!
Madrid is known for its legendary nightlife. Often compared with New York, Madrid is one of the liveliest cities of the World. The city has a long list of night party venues but La Latina is probably the most charming place to chill out and enjoy a drink in Madrid. The city loves to celebrate whether it’s a night party or a football game.
The Coat of Arms of Madrid – a Bear and a Tree?
Standing broad and clear in the middle of Puerta del Sol, it can be seen: the statue of a cuddly bear reaching up to the branches of a tree. These two emblematic figures represent the official Coat of Arms of Madrid. Apparently, the bear, also adorned with the 7 stars of the zodiac sign Ursa-Mayor (the Great Bear), had represented the council of Madrid since the year 1212. The tree was added ten years later as the symbol of a treaty, which settled the ongoing dispute between the clergymen and the council over the use of the local fields and forests. It is carefully suspected, however, that the use of a strawberry tree, of all trees, had rather less to do with historical accuracy, and more with the fact that its Spanish botanical name, madroño, sounds a lot like Madrid and madrileño…
Madrid is a city of students
Madrid is home to an astonishing amount of students. Not surprisingly, this is due to the fact that Madrid is one of the unsurpassed hot-spots of university education in Europe. Various of its many universities and business schools are counted as being some of the oldest and most prestigious learning facilities worldwide. The economical Masters program of the University Charles III, for example, is ranked on the list of the ‘global top-50,’ whereas the founding of the Universidad Complutense, for instance, dates back as early as the year 1293.
Madrid is a city of students
Madrid is home to an astonishing amount of students. Not surprisingly, this is due to the fact that Madrid is one of the unsurpassed hot-spots of university education in Europe. Various of its many universities and business schools are counted as being some of the oldest and most prestigious learning facilities worldwide. The economical Masters program of the University Charles III, for example, is ranked on the list of the ‘global top-50,’ whereas the founding of the Universidad Complutense, for instance, dates back as early as the year 1293.
Capital Filmmakers Festival – Madrid is a chance to share your story with los Madrileños

The Venue
La Morada
Calle de la Palma, 11. Bajo centro
28004 Madrid – España
Metro Tribunal
About La Morada
The Reina Mora screening room has 12 listeners Luis Wassman cinema.
The room has 27 seats of white leather for comfortable viewing.

For any inquiries please email
- madrid@capitalfimlmakersfestival.com
- +34 605 535347